On Location: Memphis, an international film festival held for the last 15 years here in Tennessee, is hoping to begin a new tradition by adding a music component to our Festival, which will be held April 24-27 in Memphis, Tennessee. We’re looking for music makers in a number of genres: rock/pop, neo-soul, hip-hop, rap, singer-songwriters, etc. Artists who are eager to show folks from all over the globe that Memphis is more than just a home for music history, but a city alive with new sounds from local artists and musicians throughout the US. We’ll be staging multi-artist showcases at least 4 different venues in the Memphis mid-town area. These shows, on a space available basis, will be open to Festival badge holders and the paying public.
If you are interested in submitting for a chance to play, there is a one-time, non-refundable submission fee of $20. Please fill out the form below to be considered for a showcase. Please submit only if you will be able to travel to Memphis during the Festival dates should you be chosen to perform.
As a non-profit Festival, On Location: Memphis in unable to pay performers for their appearance or provide travel or lodging expenses. Selected artists will receive free all-access festival badges for all music and film events throughout the weekend. Further info is available at http://www.