Each year the Academy Awards honor a short film in the categories of Animation, Live Action and Documentary. Prior to the Oscar’s Telecast, the Academy allows moviegoers from across the country the special opportunity to see their Oscar Nominated Shorts. On Location:Memphis is proud to present the Oscar Nominated Shorts in the categories of Animation and Live Action. Come and… Continue reading OL:M Presents: 2015 Oscar Shorts on Feb. 3 & 4, 2015
Tag: Academy Awards
Tickets for Oscar-Nominated Short Films are Now Available!
Get your tickets now for the Oscar-nominated Short Film programs being screened this month at the Malco Ridgeway Four in East Memphis. Reserve your spot to see some of the world’s most creative filmmaking on the big screen today! To purchase tickets, follow the links below: Live-Action Short Films – February 14th at 7:00 p.m.… Continue reading Tickets for Oscar-Nominated Short Films are Now Available!
On Location: MEMPHIS to Host Oscar-Nominated Short Films
For the fifth straight year, the On Location: MEMPHIS International Film & Music Fest will host screenings of the prestigious Oscar-nominated live-action short films, and will screen the Oscar-nominated short documentaries for the very first time. Taking place over two weeks at the Malco Ridgeway Four Theater in East Memphis, the Oscar-nominated live-action shorts will… Continue reading On Location: MEMPHIS to Host Oscar-Nominated Short Films